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“Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.” -Stephen King

The Doom EP is just as it sounds; our first of many explorations into all things that are born from darkness. We set out to make something purely conceptual. We wanted to write outside of ourselves and into our favorite books, movies, guilty pleasures and imaginations that lean toward the mysterious and macabre. Horror is often looked at as a cheap-thrill genre, but isn’t it also an exploration into our innate fears as humans?! Without Science-Fiction, we might not have many of the devices we use every day. It is also FUN, and we’re very much about that as well.


King also said, “fiction is the truth inside the lie.” We have loved diving into Doom and in doing so, have stumbled on so much about ourselves and each other. Creativity, whatever it may be, is good for the soul. It may just lead you to do something great, even if it’s just for you. We hope you enjoy this unsolicited soundtrack for the things that inspire and scare us together. For to live, is to be inevitably DOOMED.

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